Topic: Changing database structure

Dear all,
I have found a possible problem.
If you change the database structure and add some filds and/or tables, the software will create a new empty database and not only update a current existing database. When you have entered data in the old database, these are lost during delete and rewrite.

Any way to prevent this or to open two SQLite Databases? Old Version and new version. This would help to prevent data loss when I need to update the database structure.

Haven't tried to find out what happens with reports, etc.

Thank you for help in advance.

Re: Changing database structure

Hello Lostdb

This happened with the first versions of MVD.
But it has long been fixed by Dmitry in the following versions.
What version of MVD are you meeting this?


Re: Changing database structure

I confirm it only occurs with an old version of MVDB

Re: Changing database structure

I was testing the last free version 1.44

Thank for your information about been fixed.