1 (edited by v_pozidis 2017-03-24 15:28:36)

Topic: Inventory software..I need your help

Hi, Ilike  to create a database for my Inventory. I have attached my software but not complete it because I need your help. I have a table for my inventory stock and another table for my order. When I create an order I get an order Number. With that each time I give the order number to the delvery form it should add my order to the inventory adding the quantity to the partnumbers.How can I do that?
Thank you in advance

Post's attachments

Attachment icon invetory.zip 326.66 kb, 495 downloads since 2017-03-24 

Re: Inventory software..I need your help

Any help???

v_pozidis wrote:

Hi, Ilike  to create a database for my Inventory. I have attached my software but not complete it because I need your help. I have a table for my inventory stock and another table for my order. When I create an order I get an order Number. With that each time I give the order number to the delvery form it should add my order to the inventory adding the quantity to the partnumbers.How can I do that?
Thank you in advance

Re: Inventory software..I need your help

Unfortunately I can't understand your question, also you have strange database structure.


Re: Inventory software..I need your help

I have an inventory with some partnumbers stock.
When I receive an order the new quatyties for each partnumber must be added in the inventory to get a new stock
How can I do that?

DriveSoft wrote:

Unfortunately I can't understand your question, also you have strange database structure.

Re: Inventory software..I need your help

I made an example for you:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Stock.zip 5.37 kb, 680 downloads since 2017-03-27 


6 (edited by v_pozidis 2017-03-27 11:05:19)

Re: Inventory software..I need your help

yes Dmitry, but imagine that instead giving one per one the partnumber, just  to give an order number ( which is in another table) and that  contains the quantity of the partnumbers.

DriveSoft wrote:

I made an example for you:

Re: Inventory software..I need your help

If you want to add more than partnumbers with their qty with onece how can I do that ?

Re: Inventory software..I need your help

v_pozidis wrote:

yes Dmitry, but imagine that instead giving one per one the partnumber, just  to give an order number ( which is in another table) and that  contains the quantity of the partnumbers.

DriveSoft wrote:

I made an example for you:

Another example:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon StockEx.zip 6.25 kb, 664 downloads since 2017-03-28 


9 (edited by v_pozidis 2017-03-28 11:58:57)

Re: Inventory software..I need your help

Thank you !!!

DriveSoft wrote:
v_pozidis wrote:

yes Dmitry, but imagine that instead giving one per one the partnumber, just  to give an order number ( which is in another table) and that  contains the quantity of the partnumbers.

DriveSoft wrote:

I made an example for you:

Another example: