Topic: Tablegrid and n:m Relation

I have a little question.
For a software I have some table. Two of these tables have a n:m relation.
A) One person can work on many projects
B) One project can have many persons who are working on it
My question is, how can I create a tablegrid who shows me all projects a person is working for and when I click on a project at this table grid the person table grid should change and show all persons working on this project.
Early planing stage, no examples created yet because I do not know how to handle this question.
Thank you.

Re: Tablegrid and n:m Relation

Hello Teco049,
The attached project might give you some ideas.
Rather than have one tablegrid changing to show another tablegrid, I have done an example showing 3 tablegrids that are linked.
But if your design is such that you need to place one tablegrid on top of another, it is not a problem (the processing logic is just the same as in my example).
I hope this helps,

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Re: Tablegrid and n:m Relation

Nothing to add smile

This is exactly the way to do it : to main tables and a relation table in between.



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