Topic: error message

Hi great news about the new version. But before we can download the 4th version please release the 3.7
I get a error message. I understand wy I get it but how can I avoid it, or how can I put my own error message. Is it possible with the new procedure (TRANSLATE)?

Re: error message


Every component have property CanFocus, so you can check, it's possible to set focus for the component or not, example:

if Form1.Button1.CanFocus  then Form1.Button1.SetFocus else ShowMessage('Your message');

Version 3.7 will not be released.


3 (edited by v_pozidis 2017-11-09 06:36:16)

Re: error message

I do not understand what Canfocus and SetFocus do.
In my software I get the message  "Cannot make a visible window modal". It's because I call the same form that it's already open.
How can I avoid this message?

It;s a pity that there will be no release for 3.7 (Especially for us,  the users with Minor Updates.
Maybe there will be a discount coupon for the new version 4


Re: error message

v_pozidis wrote:

I do not understand what Canfocus and SetFocus do.
In my software I get the message  "Cannot make a visible window modal". It's because I call the same form that it's already open.
How can I avoid this message?

How exactly you call the same form?

v_pozidis wrote:

It;s a pity that there will be no release for 3.7 (Especially for us,  the users with Minor Updates.
Maybe there will be a discount coupon for the new version 4


For registered users discount will be about 40%


5 (edited by v_pozidis 2017-11-09 11:31:57)

Re: error message

I send you my example.

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Re: error message

try this

procedure frmCreateAlfa_Button1_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
    if frmPerson.Visible then
        Cancel := True;
        ShowMessage('Your message');