Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen
A repository for everything
Data Keeper - experimental project of object-oriented data storage in relational DBMS … thing.html
My Visual Database → General → Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen
A repository for everything
Data Keeper - experimental project of object-oriented data storage in relational DBMS … thing.html
Parents and children
Inheritance of class properties; displaying child objects along with their parents; adding the "Date" type.
A significant set
Data Keeper. Editing multiple values for an object property: components and data structures.
Data Keeper. Visual component for displaying logical data with your own hands.
Important Details
A typical task of data representation is to create Master-Detail relationships, that is, when one object is a detail of another.
My Visual Database. DIY color editing component TColorEdit. Display color value in grid.
This project looks promising if it is an evolution of MyVisual Database, would you implement the form auto-resizing depending on user screen resolution? It really is a bummer to have a fixed resolution in modern apps.
This project looks promising if it is an evolution of MyVisual Database, would you implement the form auto-resizing depending on user screen resolution? It really is a bummer to have a fixed resolution in modern apps.
I agree with you: the form needs to be scalable. But I wouldn't rely on the default scaling system and the form's scaled property. I have some experience with scaling forms in My Visual Database, and the scale can be scaled up or down. This is a good reason for the next app update, thank you for your feedback!
This project looks promising if it is an evolution of MyVisual Database, would you implement the form auto-resizing depending on user screen resolution? It really is a bummer to have a fixed resolution in modern apps.
I figured out the scaling. Except for the question of how to enlarge loaded images onto buttons.
Привет Konstantin,
Если вы используете «символы Юникода» на своих кнопках, обеспечивает ли это обход проблемы масштабирования (если не совсем решение)?
Hi Konstantin
If you use 'unicode symbols' on your buttons, does that provide a work-around to the scaling problem (if not exactly a solution)?
Привет Konstantin,
Если вы используете «символы Юникода» на своих кнопках, обеспечивает ли это обход проблемы масштабирования (если не совсем решение)?
Hi Konstantin
If you use 'unicode symbols' on your buttons, does that provide a work-around to the scaling problem (if not exactly a solution)?
Using Unicode characters would solve two problems at once: scaling and color changes when changing the style. Perhaps I’ll cry a little over the technology of PNG images and switch to Unicode. Thank you for a good solution
Image revolution
Using Unicode characters as button images. Improvement of the Images.pas module.
Light filtered
It’s cool November outside, so this article will not be about a refreshing drink in the summer heat, but about the filtering mechanism in the Data Keeper project, as a result of which we should receive filtered data. Of course, they will only be light if you use a light theme for the application.
Nice evolution of the filtering system!!
How about an evolution of the grid display without having to script everything like this:
// Columns alignment
//Columns distribution
Administration.UserlistGrid.Columns[0].width := Administration.UserlistGrid.width div 6;
Administration.UserlistGrid.Columns[1].width := Administration.UserlistGrid.width div 6;
Administration.UserlistGrid.Columns[2].width := Administration.UserlistGrid.width div 6;
Administration.UserlistGrid.Columns[3].width := Administration.UserlistGrid.width div 6;
Administration.UserlistGrid.Columns[4].width := Administration.UserlistGrid.width div 6;
Administration.UserlistGrid.Columns[5].width := Administration.UserlistGrid.width div 6;
Administration.CCGrid.Columns[0].width := Administration.CCGrid.width div 4;
Administration.CCGrid.Columns[1].width := Administration.CCGrid.width div 4;
Administration.CCGrid.Columns[2].width := Administration.CCGrid.width div 4;
Administration.CCGrid.Columns[3].width := Administration.CCGrid.width div 4;
Administration.RMList.Columns[0].width := Administration.RMList.width;
Administration.IMGList.Columns[0].width := Administration.IMGList.width div 2;
Administration.IMGList.Columns[1].width := Administration.IMGList.width div 2;
Administration.TypList.Columns[0].width := Administration.TypList.width div 2;
Administration.TypList.Columns[1].width := Administration.TypList.width div 2;
Administration.DptListGrid.Columns[0].width := Administration.DptListGrid.width;
Most of the time, when more than 1 table grid are used on the same form, the columns are shown like there is no more intelligence in the system, with a fixed 1 character wide by default if you are lucky.
I observed problems with column width in two cases: during the first launch and when the program crashed.
As for intelligent alignment of column widths, you can’t do without scripts. I agree that in some cases the proposed alignment options look good, but firstly, they provide an additional delay when displaying data, and secondly, they are not always convenient, so this, perhaps, can be done as an option in the grid settings through the pop-up menu. Thanks for the tip, I'll probably add such an option in the next version of Data Keeper.
Yes, really. And I have faced it. We can communicate on this theme.
I observed problems with column width in two cases: during the first launch and when the program crashed.
As for intelligent alignment of column widths, you can’t do without scripts. I agree that in some cases the proposed alignment options look good, but firstly, they provide an additional delay when displaying data, and secondly, they are not always convenient, so this, perhaps, can be done as an option in the grid settings through the pop-up menu. Thanks for the tip, I'll probably add such an option in the next version of Data Keeper.
Setting Column Width
Custom control of column width alignment in grid.
Ressources et Internationalisation
Un mécanisme de localisation pratique qui ne nécessite pas de réécriture du code d'application créé dans My Visual Database. … ation.html
Traduction : Yann Yvnec
My Visual Database. Composant d'édition de couleurs DIY TColorEdit.
Traduction : Yann Yvnec
Recursion and stack
How to use recursion when there is no stack of local variables and parameters
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