Topic: Running balance multiple accounts

Like most projects my single account with a running balance has grown into one with multiple accounts. I have a table called Accounts and one called Transactions that is linked to Accounts. If I use the calculated field method that Derek assisted me with the results are wrong once you add a second account and have two or more transactions on the same date. Any help would be appreciated.

Cheers Terry

Re: Running balance multiple accounts

Hi Terry,
I think you just need to tweak the calculated field  (see attached). 
I've also stuck a current balance calculated field at the account level as well as the transaction level so you can see an overall summary.

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Attachment icon 341.93 kb, 290 downloads since 2019-05-06 

Re: Running balance multiple accounts

Hi Derek,
Thanks again for your assistance. It works well. I will buy you a beer next time you are in Australia.
Cheers Terry

Re: Running balance multiple accounts

LOL -  I reckon your money's safe!
Just checked and realised that I'd forgotten to switch the tablegrid colouring back on - here's the corrected version if you need it.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 341.94 kb, 348 downloads since 2019-05-07