Topic: Some questions regarding taborders


I tried to have more than one sequence of "taborders" to get the ability to build input blocks.
If I jump from field to field and I'm on the last field of a block, then I want to jump back to the first field of this block.
If I click into another block then I want to go around within this other block.
Clicking on a button brings me into the button block. Pressing TAB there lets me go round within the buttons.
I tried many combinations with tabstop=false and I also tried to write other taborder numbers into the taborder properties of the objects. Nothing worked as expected.

Q1: Is that even possible without scripting?
If not, I suggest a property like e.g. "NextTabNumber". If there is a value in this property for a field, then MVD jumps to this taborder number instead of following the regular taborder.

During the tests I could see, that when I'm on the last button (Tab11 in the example) and I jump to the first field (Tab0),
the first button (Tab8) will get a blue frame as if it would have focus. But the cursor is blinking in text field (Tab0), which means that this field has the focus.

Q2: What does that frame really mean?

(picture is in the zip of the small test project)

Kind Regards

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2 (edited by derek 2019-12-04 18:50:53)

Re: Some questions regarding taborders

Hi Wood,
I had the same problem a couple of years ago. 
The only solution I could come up with was using panels and setting them to 'enabled = true' or 'enabled = false'. 
You then use 'tab' to go from one field to the next within a block or (in the attached example) use ''left arrow' and 'right arrow'' to jump between blocks (you could use other keys but 'left arrow' and 'right arrow' seemed a logical choice).
I appreciate it's a work-around but perhaps it gives you some ideas,

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Re: Some questions regarding taborders

Hi Derek

Thank you for this clue with the panels.
It might be a solution and I will check it out.

Do you have also an answer for my second question (the blue frame)?


4 (edited by derek 2019-12-06 12:41:01)

Re: Some questions regarding taborders

The 'frame' around the button is because it is defined as the 'default' (when you press 'enter'  whichever button is defined as the default is the button-action that is executed, no matter where you are on the form).
If you de-select the 'default' property for all buttons on your form, then the 'frame' should only appear around any button when you have tabbed into it.
Please see the attached screen-shot.

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Attachment icon default.jpg 188.51 kb, 127 downloads since 2019-12-06