1 (edited by agusecc 2019-12-31 06:56:18)

Topic: ShowRecord not sukses

I have problem about show record form when i select from tablegrid1 and there are notice "no record selected for editing
because searching with sql query.
help me please..

this is my project

https://www.dropbox.com/s/33tv7w616hz71 … A.rar?dl=0

Post's attachments

Attachment icon can.t edit.JPG 83.33 kb, 231 downloads since 2019-12-30 

2 (edited by ehwagner 2019-12-31 02:02:08)

Re: ShowRecord not sukses

Your project download link was not correct or active.

Did you include the id in your query? It must be in the SELECT statement. If you do not want to see the id in the tablegrid, then you can place the literal "delete_col" in the titles in the same position as id in the SELECT.

3 (edited by agusecc 2019-12-31 07:11:51)

Re: ShowRecord not sukses

thanks you ehwagner,

Did you include the id in your query? It must be in the SELECT statement. If you do not want to see the id in the tablegrid, then you can place the literal "delete_col" in the titles in the same position as id in the SELECT.

it,s work in my project...