Topic: calculated field

I have 3 tbale, table family, table member and table sector.  I need script calculated field in table sector sum from field calc in table family.
please help me

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2 (edited by derek 2020-05-16 09:41:13)

Re: calculated field

Hi Agusecc,
Calculated fields cannot reference other calculated fields - so in this case, you need to do a 'select' within a 'select' in your calculated field.
Try it like this (please see attached).
I also added a couple of 'dbupdates' to your script (which you often need to do when using calculated fields) so that you see the changes immediately in form1.tablegrid1 and form1.tablegrid3  otherwise you need to restart the program.

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3 (edited by agusecc 2020-05-17 15:29:45)

Re: calculated field

Thanks you Derek