Topic: Print a Form

Hi All,
When I have a Form open on the screen, I would like to Print that form as it is.
And print the form without having to re-create the form in Fast Report.  Some of my forms have a lot of fields and it will be a lot of work to create each one in Fast Report.
I tried CTRL-P but it's not working?
Ideally I'd like a button on the form so the user can just click it and print the form that's on the screen.
Thanks for your thoughts, Frank

2 (edited by derek 2020-08-21 20:18:12)

Re: Print a Form

Hi Frank,
The best you can do (I think) within the MVD environment is ALT+Prtscr but that will just copy it to the clipboard after which you'll need to paste it somewhere else.
I'd use a 3rd party screen capture tool (I use Lightscreen (it's free) but there are many to choose from) and remap the PRTSCR key.  It gives you a lot more flexibility over the standard PRTSCR in terms of being able to capture exactly the screen region you need, whether you want to print it out, add it to the clipboard or automatically save it to file etc and it's a general purpose utility so not limited to just MVD.

Re: Print a Form

Thanks for your reply.
As of now, I've decided that I will create a FastReport for each of the forms that my users might want to print.  By doing some copy and pasting I've managed to lessen some of the work.
This way it's more user friendly.  The user just has to click a Report button if he wants to print the form with it's contents. FastReport is getting easier to use, the more I use it.
Thanks for your help, Frank