Topic: Questions about deploying a MVD project
To All,
I've been getting ready to deploy my project and I have a couple of questions:
- I'm using INNO setup to prepare an install script.
- I have figured out how to install it into the users DOCUMENTS directory in Win 10.
- My question is - is this a smart thing to do?
- I have read both pros and cons about installing in the DOCUMENTS sub-directory.
- I did try to install it into the default Programs sub-directory, but when I did, it would not let me input information because it says some files were READ-ONLY.
- It seems to me that the Programs sub-directory would not be a good place to store the data files anyway.
- I assume that in order to put the program into the Programs folder and the data somewhere else would require some scripting in my MVD program?
- I'm getting into an area that I don't have any experience with,
So I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about a better or best way to deploy my program?
I really appreciate all the feedback I've received to get me this far. Without your help I wouldn't be where I'm at right now.
Thanks, Frank