Topic: Delete Message

Hi folks,
Here's what I would like to do.
When a user clicks on my Delete User button, I would like to display an extra Warning message.
Something like: ShowMessage('WARNING - This will DELETE this user and all of the records for this user.  Choose Yes or No on the next message');
Then I would like the normal message for the DELETE button to come up so they can choose whether to continue or not.
I've tried putting my message on some of the different EVENTS for the Delete button.
However when I do that it seems to prevent the normal Delete warning message from appearing.
It doesn't seem to me that this should be too hard, but I must be missing something.
Your thoughts will be appreciated.
Thanks, Frank

Re: Delete Message

Would this help?

Ignore the SQL, you don't need to do that, the trick is in using MessageDlg function which has both button options and a message capability.

procedure frmEditOrderQty_btnFrmAmendDeleteRecord_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
 text : string;
 btn :integer;

   text := 'ORDER ITEM '+#13#13 + frmEditOrderQty.edtfrmAmendDescription.Text +'  x '+ frmEditOrderQty.edtNewQty.Text;

   btn := messageDlg('CONFIRM DELETION OF '+text,mtWarning, mbCancel+mbOK, 0);

   if  btn  = mrCancel then
       SQLExecute('DELETE FROM orders WHERE =  "'+ intToStr(frmMain.tgOrders.dbItemID) +'"');
       ShowMessage(#13#13 + text + ' has been DELETED' );

 // frmEditOrderQty.Enabled := True;



For other MessageDlg options see

On a clear disk you can seek forever

3 (edited by papafrankc 2020-11-11 07:13:18)

Re: Delete Message

CDB many thanks it works great.
I just used the code from 'btn' to 'Exit', changed the message to what I wanted & it worked perfectly.
FYI, In my application a User can have lots of data in a whole bunch of forms.  So I want to make sure that they REALLY REALLY want to delete the user.
I know the message from the Delete button should be enough to warn them but I'm just being extra cautious.
I looked up that MessageDlg function and it looks like a really useful function.
Thanks again, Frank