Topic: Strange Affair

Hello Dimitri

In my books database, a field on a form called Affichage shows title of the book.
In the grid listing all tiltles, when I double-click on a title (or when I press Edit button for the same result)
on  form Affichage showing all items about this book, the title is highlighted in its textbox.

To avoid thi highlight, I've coded this instruction in OnAfterClick of Edit Button :

    Affichage.Edit2.SelLength := 0;   or

In tw cases, I get error message : 'Undeclared Identifier : ClearSelection or SelLength.
But most funny, the job is realized : no higlighted title.

That's don't really worry me but is there an explication about this matter ?

Thanks for your answer


Re: Strange Affair

Please, send me your project to


Re: Strange Affair

I sent you reply to e-mail.

You can avoid it, using:
