Topic: TableGrid libre

Hello, when I select a row in TableGrid the list of data goes back to the beginning, the scroll bar goes up to the top of the list and I lose the row that I selected.
How do I keep this list from moving?


Re: TableGrid libre

Hi Sabine,
It's hard to know exactly what might be causing it.
Can you attach your project?

Re: TableGrid libre

Here is the project. The scroll bar shouldn't move up when I select a row at the bottom of the TableGrid.


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Re: TableGrid libre

Hi Sabine,
Perhaps try it like this (see attached).
It uses a combination of 'selectedrow' (to keep the highlight on the row you clicked on) and 'scrolltorow' (to stop the scroll bar from moving back up).

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Attachment icon Ma collection de 818.76 kb, 191 downloads since 2021-10-25 

Re: TableGrid libre

Thank you very much Derek it works wonderfully. The selected row no longer disappears and I can follow the data without the scroll bar going up.
This is great, thank you.
