Topic: Viewer

How to see all of my photos in one form.


Re: Viewer

Destiny wrote:

How to see all of my photos in one form.

give a clearer description

Re: Viewer

My photos are stored in folders by years and I would like a full preview of his photos to have a view of all the saved photos, a kind of viewer like the attached photo.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Stock photos.jpg 201.35 kb, 111 downloads since 2021-12-20 


Re: Viewer

Destiny wrote:

My photos are stored in folders by years and I would like a full preview of his photos to have a view of all the saved photos, a kind of viewer like the attached photo.

в MVD нет (DirectoryListBox, FileListBox
пример с картинками из папки … download=1

Re: Viewer

I already have something in the same kind, I use "OpenFile" to open my files but I thought that there was perhaps another solution to manage to visualize all of my images.
Thank you very much.


Re: Viewer

Hello Sibprogsistem,
Great program! Is it possible to add keyboard arrow key option to select a particular photo from the scrollbox?

Re: Viewer

Hello Destiny

Would you like an integrated grid in your MVD application (TableGrid1) in which there would be one image per cell and not seen through a drawing program (like PhotoFiltre Studio or ImageViewer)?


Re: Viewer

Good evening Jean, yes that's exactly what I would need so that I wouldn't have to look for the images I need.


Re: Viewer

It's good I found the solution. Thank you

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Aperçu.jpg 111.66 kb, 120 downloads since 2021-12-23 


Re: Viewer

Hello Destiny

Can you show us the code you use to get this display?
I'm assuming you are using a loop over each cell in the grid to display an image?


11 (edited by Rahan57 2021-12-23 18:53:08)

Re: Viewer

I did not type any code, I displayed a tableGrid1 in a form that looks for images in the main table and add the names of the fields
which contain the images.
In the cells of the grid I display all my images contained in my database because the images are arranged by years so in
several different folders which allows me to see them all at the same time. (see image opposite).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Viewier.jpg 134.74 kb, 113 downloads since 2021-12-23 


Re: Viewer

sibprogsistem wrote:
Destiny wrote:

My photos are stored in folders by years and I would like a full preview of his photos to have a view of all the saved photos, a kind of viewer like the attached photo.

в MVD нет (DirectoryListBox, FileListBox
пример с картинками из папки … download=1

Excellent preparation for the program. I would advise a topicstarter to use it in order to
1. Create thumbnails of images stored on your hard drive and write them to the database
2. To view thumbnails, use the algorithm for creating tiles of image on the form.
3. Add an adaptation of the placement of tiles when resizing the form.

When you use Explorer, the operating system does the same: it creates thumbnails of images and writes them to the local mini-database.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

13 (edited by sibprogsistem 2021-12-25 15:32:38)

Re: Viewer

eyeman303 wrote:

Hello Sibprogsistem,
Great program! Is it possible to add keyboard arrow key option to select a particular photo from the scrollbox?

option with buttons forward backward

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test.rar 6.03 kb, 236 downloads since 2021-12-25 

Re: Viewer

Voici un exemple de viewer

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 600.16 kb, 291 downloads since 2021-12-25 


Re: Viewer

Hi Destiny,
Just a 'heads-up' but you need to be aware that the particular way that you show your images in a tablegrid will only work if they are saved as 'storefile' images. 
If, as you were asking a while ago, you decide to save them as 'linkfile', you will need to write a script to display them in your tablegrid.

16 (edited by Destiny 2021-12-26 08:29:03)

Re: Viewer

Hello Derek, yes you are absolutely right but I found a way to speed up my program. This one is 350MB and with over 1000 stamps already saved, it displays my images instantly.
I deleted the "Images" column from the TableGrid because it was she who loaded the images via "sqlite". Now I'm still in "storefile" and it works fine, I tried the "linkfile" but couldn't create my "Viewer" table, it can't find external links. I leave my program as it is and at least I have all the functions available, in the "Viewer" I click on an image and it is immediately displayed in the main form and so I can print the card that corresponds to it.
