Topic: format date

hi ,
i like to convert the record imeragen which is a DATE variable in the format dd/mm/yyy to have it in an edit box

frmCreateProtypa.Edit21.Text:= SQLExecute('imeragen from Stoixeia WHERE id=' + IntToStr(frmCreateProtypa.TableGrid3.dbItemID));

Re: format date

Attached is one possible way of doing it.

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Attachment icon date as 337.04 kb, 187 downloads since 2022-06-17 

Re: format date

Thank you, it works perfect

4 (edited by Step-in 2023-08-17 12:49:52)

Re: format date

Don't work in real time. How to make the value in the text field change after changing the date?

P.S. I asked the question myself and I found solution:

procedure frmAddDecision_DateTimePicker1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);
    frmAddDecision.Edit2.Text:= FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', frmAddDecision.DateTimePicker1.DateTime);
Post's attachments

Attachment icon DB.JPG 16.04 kb, 22 downloads since 2023-08-17