Topic: "Look ahead typing"

Is it possible to have a field auto fill from list or an existing  field after typing 1 or more letters in to field or fill a combo list with filtered list (by beginning letters)?
IE I type "U'" and I get a choice of United Kingdom, USA, United Emirates etc
This is often seen programs that have large lists to chose from where typing a letter scrolls to that section or limits the choices.

Re: "Look ahead typing"

I am not sure to fully understand what you are looking for but you can already apply auto filter to a field which search automatically in a grid.

Add a textBox with the following properties (on the left handside) :

filter = %s%
increm. search = SearchBtt

I use it in my project to search very quickly and to look after typo as well smile

Re: "Look ahead typing"

In current version is not support for ComboBox (planned), but as written above, you can use TextBox and TableGrid for it.


Re: "Look ahead typing"

Thank you tcoton and DriveSoft. Still  learning but this tip will open new ideas.There is a lot of power just under the surface of MVD but  I need time to explore.