Topic: Flexible columns

Hi all,

This report example is designed to simplify the transfer of a table to a report, where in the report
you can select columns for printing simple tables and change some print settings without using the design function.

Features :
- the ability to work with any MVD functions for the Report:
SQL query (Script) for ONE TABLE, "Report" button, "SQL Report" button.
You can submit all columns to a report.
- Select columns to print (Report).
- Change the order of columns (Report).
- Change the alias of the columns to be printed in the report. (Report) DblClick on the column name.
- Ability to auto-number lines. Requires column name "Line" in script or via calculated field (in MVD). See example.
- Select page orientation (Report).
- Simplified display of columns on the page in the preview. (Report)
- Warning outside the print border. (Report)
- Changing the size of columns and intervals of columns and rows in FastReport. (Report) Automatic word wrapping in columns.
- Editing the form header in FastReport. Change text, font size and style (bold).(Report)
- Automatic conversion of dates in SQLite format to regional format if possible (report).
- footer with page number (Report).
- "coloring" lines through the line.

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Re: Flexible columns

Hello Sparrow, I saw your project only now. Congratulations for the initiative. This tool will greatly assist in the fast development of forms, which can be made available to the end user. Hugs.

Roberto Alencar

Re: Flexible columns

Thanks Sparrow it will be really useful.


Re: Flexible columns

A wonderful example! You have added another dimension to the depth of use of MVDB/FastReport

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