Topic: logout button

Hi guys
In my project, I have not used the role based access control .
I have two users and I created a login form  with a combobox for username and a textbox for password
is there any way that I create a logout button (frmMain button 10) to change between the users?

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Re: logout button

identity wrote:

Hi guys
In my project, I have not used the role based access control .
I have two users and I created a login form  with a combobox for username and a textbox for password
is there any way that I create a logout button (frmMain button 10) to change between the users?


procedure frmMain_OnClose (Sender: TObject; Action: string);

procedure frmMain_Button10_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);


procedure frmMain_OnClose (Sender: TObject; Action: string);
  if (frmMain.TagString = 'ResetUser') then frmLogin.Show else frmLogin.Close;
  frmMain.TagString := '';

procedure frmMain_Button10_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
  frmMain.TagString := 'ResetUser';

Re: logout button

thanks pavlenko.vladimir.v
I used the second option.
it works fine but there is only one big problem.
I need all the buttons for the user to be disabled and for the admin all the buttons should be enabled.
with your script when I log in with Admin, all the the buttons are enabled correctly but when I Log in with user and re-login to the admin, then all the buttons are disabled.

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Re: logout button

identity wrote:

thanks pavlenko.vladimir.v
I used the second option.
it works fine but there is only one big problem.
I need all the buttons for the user to be disabled and for the admin all the buttons should be enabled.
with your script when I log in with Admin, all the the buttons are enabled correctly but when I Log in with user and re-login to the admin, then all the buttons are disabled.

На сколько я помню, мой пример не предусматривал смену пользователя.
Вам нужно просто вернуь Enabled в True при закрытии формы

procedure frmMain_OnClose (Sender: TObject; Action: string);
  if (frmMain.TagString = 'ResetUser') then frmLogin.Show else frmLogin.Close;
  frmMain.TagString := '';

  frmMain.Button1.Enabled := True;
  frmMain.Button2.Enabled := True;
  frmMain.Button3.Enabled := True;
  frmMain.Button4.Enabled := True;
Post's attachments

Attachment icon logout2.rar 7 kb, 98 downloads since 2023-05-09