Topic: Combobox auto selection

What is the method through which I can obtain this result?
Attached is an example of the program and its pictures inside

When you choose number 2 in Box 1, number 1 in Box 2 is automatically chosen

When you choose number 3 in Box 1, number 1 in Box 3 is automatically chosen

When choosing number 2 in box 3, a check box is selected   AND Show the message box
A warning is written inside it

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Attachment icon COMBOBOX.rar 345.2 kb, 67 downloads since 2023-11-25 

Re: Combobox auto selection

You can play with script. I'm just wondering to what scenario in real world will it be used.

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Re: Combobox auto selection

brian.zaballa wrote:

You can play with script. I'm just wondering to what scenario in real world will it be used.

thank you

But is there another way to get the same results, because this method does not work in my project

4 (edited by v_pozidis 2023-12-07 15:58:43)

Re: Combobox auto selection

Hi, I had almost the same question and Derek was the one who gave the solution with hes script. Perhaps this will help you also. You don't need to choose from the combobox but check from the second tablegrid the countries you want and press the Selected button.

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Attachment icon 334.53 kb, 75 downloads since 2023-12-07