Topic: Help: Get the Current month as Digit MM for TextBox ?

Hello MVDs

I need load my TextBox with the Current month with only 2 Digit like (01) for January, Please help

I try using the Date Time Picker by this code and then copy it to the TextBox but the TextBox show to the full date and I need only the month

procedure Form1_OnShow (Sender: TObject; Action: string);
Form1.DateTimePicker1.Format := 'MM';
Form1.Edit1.Text := DateToStr (Form1.DateTimePicker1.Date); 
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Re: Help: Get the Current month as Digit MM for TextBox ?

You can't just do it as you have tried (Form1.DateTimePicker1.Format := 'MM')
This is just an edit mask that is placed on top of the datetimepicker field and doesn't change the underlying data.
So you need to convert your datetimepicker field to a string and then substring the part that you want (month).
Be aware that the attached example works for a dd/mm/yyyy date format so you might need to amend the code if the date is formatted differently in your country.

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Attachment icon month 442.78 kb, 120 downloads since 2024-01-14 

3 (edited by FMR 2024-01-14 21:23:13)

Re: Help: Get the Current month as Digit MM for TextBox ?

Thanks derek

This is a 1st time your solution not fix my problem but you give me a good idea, please check the attached project and let me know if their is any suggestion, just I work for make the month 2 digit on single number like 1 to 01

procedure Form1_OnShow (Sender: TObject; Action: string);
Day, Year, Month: Word;

DecodeDate(Form1.DateTimePicker1.DateTime, Year, Month, Day);
Form1.Edit1.Text := (IntToStr(Month));


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Attachment icon 3.66 kb, 110 downloads since 2024-01-14 

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Re: Help: Get the Current month as Digit MM for TextBox ?

 if length(month) = 2 then Form1.Edit1.Text  := (IntToStr(Month)) else form1.edit1.text := '0' + (inttostr(month));