Topic: Replace the backup file


I used this code to make a backup copy, and I used the time and date to create a new file every time

Now I want to make the file with one name, and when I make a backup copy, it will replace the old file with the new file

procedure form2_Button8_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
  if CopyFile('sqlite.db', 'Backup\backup.db') then showmessage('backup ok');

Re: Replace the backup file

Try replacing the backup.db with the date and time format

procedure form2_Button8_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
  if CopyFile('sqlite.db', 'Backup\'+FormatDateTime('mm_dd_yyyy_hh_nn_ss', now)+'.db') then showmessage('backup ok');

Re: Replace the backup file

brian.zaballa wrote:

Try replacing the backup.db with the date and time format

procedure form2_Button8_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
  if CopyFile('sqlite.db', 'Backup\'+FormatDateTime('mm_dd_yyyy_hh_nn_ss', now)+'.db') then showmessage('backup ok');

Thank you
I used this in the past, but it created a lot of files and took up space on the hard drive
I want the name to be fixed, and when the button is pressed, it will replace the old file with the new file

Re: Replace the backup file

Oh, is there any problem with what you are doing? Copying sqlite.db to backup.db? It will always replace backup.db I think. Can you cite some example of what you really want to do so that it is easier to understand like citing filenames, what "one name" are you referring to, etc.
