Topic: Date Interval (year, month, day)

Hi guys
I have two separate dates and what I need is that years,months and days between these 2 date fields are calculated
this is for the purpose of calculating the age of a patient when He/She is hospitalized
the attached sample only shows days
thanks alot

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Re: Date Interval (year, month, day)


Calculation example. Calculation as a function. The input is two dates in TDateTime format, the output is the sign and values of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds.

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Attachment icon date tdt diff 90.75 kb, 69 downloads since 2024-05-18 

Re: Date Interval (year, month, day)

thank you sparrow as always
that's exactly what I needed

Re: Date Interval (year, month, day)

It is also possible this way

  Form1.Edit1.Text := sqlexecute('SELECT PRINTF(''YMD: %04d-%02d-%02d'', '+
        'alldays / 365250 , (alldays % 365250) / 30437, ( (alldays % 365250) % 30437)/1000 ) '+
        'FROM (SELECT (JULIANDAY('+Form1.DateTimePicker1.sqlDate+') - JULIANDAY('+Form1.DateTimePicker2.sqlDate+'))*1000 AS alldays  ) AS t;');