Topic: Database ID

Hi folks I'm a wee bit confused.  Vdb creates its own id for each table.  How do I go about adding my own id names from my tables.  Or do I not need ?.  Also do I just use the relational option for the foreign keys.

Re: Database ID

Hi Alan,
You really don't need to worry about things like that.
Each record in each table is automatically given an internal ID by MVD. 
And when you create a relationship between tables in your database schema, MVD again automatically, uses the internal ID as the foreign key;  it's the beauty of MVD that it does all of this for you.
The attached screen shot shows what it looks like 'under the hood' - it's using your own data (taken from my attachment to your previous post in the Reports section of the Forum - … 05#p51005) so it should hopefully make more sense.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon alan ids and keys.jpg 212.43 kb, 16 downloads since 2024-05-30 

Re: Database ID

I think what my confusion also was when i was trying to import a csv file I had all the id's in the file and it was coming up with too many or too little fields.  Again thanks a million and will keep studying this brilliant package and this forum.  Keep up the brilliant work.

Re: Database ID

If you need to combine data from different sources (databases), you may need global identifiers. … hp?id=8626

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