Topic: Need a help with page sort

Hi All

I made a simple program to generate a certificate, The certificate is made from two pages ( lead and trail) but when print it on report, fastreport shows me with the following: ( page 1 -page 1 ..... etc , then page 2 , page 2 ......) i need it (page 1 then page 2 for all names.

Can any one help me, please?
attached the program.

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Attachment icon certificate.rar 526.46 kb, 40 downloads since 2024-06-28 

2 (edited by domebil 2024-06-28 07:34:32)

Re: Need a help with page sort

vedi se va bene così

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Attachment icon certificate 2.rar 1.03 mb, 62 downloads since 2024-06-28 


Re: Need a help with page sort

thank you but the problem when print all names, not single name

Re: Need a help with page sort

Printing is done by selection.
If you select a name from the list you will have only 1 print, if you do not select any name you will have all the names to print.


Re: Need a help with page sort

Thank you for your replay.

I know if i print selection, it is ok (page 1 of the certificate is - page 2 is OK) . but  print all name (wihich what i want ) the program documents shown page1 - page1 page 1 then page 2 page 2 .............

Re: Need a help with page sort

Hi all,

Something like this

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Attachment icon certificate 557.33 kb, 44 downloads since 2024-06-28 

Re: Need a help with page sort

as screenshoot

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Attachment icon Capture.PNG 70.99 kb, 17 downloads since 2024-06-28 

Re: Need a help with page sort

Hi sparrow,

It is Perfect, Nice Job.

But how can I do it ??

Thanks very much..