Topic: I need help with the attached Database.


I'm not a super database user and have tried to create a database for my inventory. I have followed all the tutorials and created my database the way the sample databases.

The issues I'm having are the following:

  • listCategoryForm
    (all starting with list*) are not displaying any data on the grid, even after entering data from another form.

  • The formInventory has a groupbox that displays the same information I entered for another design and sku. Instead of displaying just the information I entered for each design name and sku.

I'm attaching the database for some pointers. If any one can help, I would really appreciate your help.

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Re: I need help with the attached Database.

Hello imcisco

In form FormInventory, behind Save button, you've chosen two fields : flDesignName and fldSKU which are not  présent in the définitions of your table DesginInfo
(you've defined DesgingName and SKU).

About ListCategoryForm and listSizeForm, if you don't check option Enable auto execution of the query, you will not see your items.

Let us know about your application so that we can help you more.


Re: I need help with the attached Database.

jean.brezhonek wrote:

In form FormInventory, behind Save button, you've chosen two fields : flDesignName and fldSKU which are not  présent in the définitions of your table DesginInfo
(you've defined DesgingName and SKU).

Thank you for helping out with displaying the data for the grid question.

I'm still struggling with what you mean with the two fields are not defined in the table "DesignInfo".

The Design Name field "fldDesignName" has TableName "DesignInfo", FieldName "DesignName". Those two exist in my DesignInfo table. I'm a little confused.

I looked at your sample databases again to see if I couldn't understand your advice but they are pretty much set-up the same way.

Please help! sad

Re: I need help with the attached Database.

Hello imcisco

Well ! I see in Database Tables, for DesignInfo table three fields : DesignName, SKU and Photo.
Why do you use fldDesignName to name DesignName field instead of using its original name ?
This is running the risk of being wrong field, isn't it ?

Otherwise, in a form (I do not know it why because I corrected it) when you use a New button,you've used
a bad action (Show Form instead New Record). one notices it because the last entry is visible.

I'm going to take your project to make it right.

I would come back to you when I finish.


Re: I need help with the attached Database.

Hi Imcisco, Hi Jean, Hi Dmitry,

I see that Jean has already mentioned enabling 'auto execution of the query' on your list forms.

With regard to the other problem,  as your project stands at the moment, when you select a row in the FormSearch grid, it passes through the Design Name and SKU fields to FormInventory.  However, you need to add a button to act as a SEARCH, using the Design Name and/or SKU as the search parameters.

This isn't particularly 'slick' because you still need to 'click' the Search Button to see the effect.  So as an extra step, you can write a script to simulate the 'click'.  And if you've done that, you could also make the Search Button invisible so the User isn't even aware that this is happening.

I've done this in the attached zip file so you can run it and see if it's addresses your problem.  So.....
1) manually click the Search button on FormInventory to see the effect
2) go to the script tab and remove the // against the line  //;   it now runs automatically
3) on FormInventory, change the Search Button property to 'visible' = false and run it again.

Hope this helps.


Re: I need help with the attached Database.

jean.brezhonek wrote:

Hello imcisco

Well ! I see in Database Tables, for DesignInfo table three fields : DesignName, SKU and Photo.
Why do you use fldDesignName to name DesignName field instead of using its original name ?
This is running the risk of being wrong field, isn't it ?

Otherwise, in a form (I do not know it why because I corrected it) when you use a New button,you've used
a bad action (Show Form instead New Record). one notices it because the last entry is visible.

I'm going to take your project to make it right.

I would come back to you when I finish.


Jean - thanks again but yet again I feel confused. I thought I could name the fields anything I can relate them to as long as I select the correct table column for saving their value.

I corrected the Show Form to New Record which makes more sense.

Do you understand my other question? The one where I have the groupbox.

I like to save the Design Name, SKU and Photo, plus the data I enter into the groupbox.

Each Design Name, SKU and Photo will have different inventory items, not the same data in the groupbox for all design names. I'm really stuck there and can't find my way out of there.

Thank you!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Item Details Form and Stock Info.png 157.3 kb, 299 downloads since 2015-11-05 

Re: I need help with the attached Database.

I made some changes in the settings of button "Search"
project attached:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 1.28 mb, 427 downloads since 2015-11-05 


Re: I need help with the attached Database.

Dmitry - I'm trying it out now and it looks like you fixed the issue I was having. I'm comparing to my version but didn't see what you did, unless I'm really dumb smile and can't see the difference. 

If you don't mind me asking what it was so I don't make the same mistake when I add another groupbox for sold stock.

You're freaking awesome!!!!


Re: I need help with the attached Database.

In the settings of button "Search" I just changed a option "2. Select the database table for the query" from "StockInfo" to "DesignInfo"
