Topic: More things to ask...

Well, I have problems understanding how things work...
Let me explain...

1. I make a table with personal data of clients... Name, address, phone numbers, etc... However, since I want to link orders to clients, even if I change their name later, I make an ID code for each one of them...At first I thought about a counter, most simple... But I can't make it appear in the tablegrid or anywhere else to see if it works ok... Also, this tablegrid is very angry with me... it doesn't show the column titles...

2. I want to connect the order to the client by choosing from the tablegrid... and I want to use the counter and the name to do that...Order no will be
"Counter" + "-" + "DateTime" or something similar.

So, What I need is : Use client's ID and DateTime for the Project ID... Then I want the client's name assigned to a field called owner automatically... then I want to add records for the things the client needs.

Well, I attach the project file, hoping for some guidance...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 100.vdb 19 b, 604 downloads since 2014-06-09 

Re: More things to ask...

Please, send me a whole folder of project, i need all files.

Also you can see video lesson, how to create phone book

But in you case, instead of phone numbers, you will have orders.


3 (edited by jtbxxxxx 2014-06-12 12:09:03)

Re: More things to ask...

I will try to make a short description of the project I'm working on and I will try to represent it with a flow diagram because it won't be easy to describe what I need...
One of the most important things for me is to understand if I need to learn SQL to complete this project... Although I find it really challenging my spare time is minimized.

One other VERY IMPORTANT thing for me is to know if  MyVDb will be constantly on development and if this will not be free in the future... (Ok, I understand that you can't promise for the last one smile )
I just don't want to invest time and effort for something that may disappear after 2-3 months... I hope you don't misunserstand me...I find MyVDb to be a great tool and I guess it will help a lot to organize things in my office.

Thank you again for your help...

Re: More things to ask...

if you need to make reports, the SQL is required in current version, but I plan to do to create reports without SQL.

In the future, the program will be paid )

Any way, MyVDb uses the popular technology (SQL and Pascal script (Delphi)) that may be useful to you and without MyVDb.


Re: More things to ask...

If I can do what I want, I will be happily pay for a complete and working version... being able to build .exe files is a unique asset and you have to advertise it!

I hope it is not  inappropriate to mention the name of the other app... and you arefree to delete it... It's called es-builder and it is a great help for lazy people like me, smile who don't have the time to study SQL....Also their report maker is really nice...
Also, Delphi (Turbo Pascal) was my favorite programming language... but unfortunately that was many years ago...