Topic: Disabled grid with vertical scrollbar?

Hi all,

I have a form on which a grid and a hidden button display records, this is normal behavior.

Sometimes, I have to disable this grid to avoid any change depending on the action but I would like to be able to scroll the list to check already existing records. This means, activating a scrollbar but not giving the possibility to edit a record. Is that possible with not too much script?

Current script has the grid disabled by default and it is enabled depending on a check.

I tried to disable the hidden button which is "clicked " by script with no luck.

Re: Disabled grid with vertical scrollbar?

Hello tcoton

Does this answer your question ?

Form1.TableGrid1.dbPopupMenu.Items.Items[0].Enabled := False; (To put behind OnShow Event)


Re: Disabled grid with vertical scrollbar?

Hi jean.brezhonek,

thanks a lot, it works perfectly in combination with

Form1.TableGrid1.Enabled:= True;

as I have my objects disabled by default in this project smile

I have been very busy these time, hence late answer...

Re: Disabled grid with vertical scrollbar?

Hello tcoton

Happy I could help you