Topic: Time instead of DateTimePicker


is there any way to get something like DateTimePicker but for we can choose time?

for example have something like DateTimePicker or ComboBox but we can choose 20:00pm or something like that.

can we do it by script or there is any trick with buttons?

Re: Time instead of DateTimePicker

Hi Montenegr0,

If I understand your question, if you are only interested in 'time' and not 'date', all you need to do is change the KIND property of the datetimepicker field to 'time' (the default is 'date') (see screenshot).

If you want to use both DATE and TIME, I find it easiest to use 2 fields, one to store the date (with KIND property defaulting to 'date') and one to store the time (with KIND property set to 'time).

If you want the date and time showing in the same field, I still use 2 fields and link them using the CALENDAR property of the datetimepicker field.  It would be much easier if you could do this all in the same field but if it is possible, I don't know of a way to do it.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon date and time screen.jpg 118.1 kb, 270 downloads since 2016-02-14 

Re: Time instead of DateTimePicker

hello ,

thanks for your help but this option only let me choose the actual time, and that is not what i want, i want be able to choose any time of the day.

Re: Time instead of DateTimePicker


Unfortunately I can't understand what exactly you need.
If you need to save date and time in same field, you should use field type "DATETIME"

Here you can find info, how to choose date and time to store in one field … icker.html  (section "More information about properties "Calendar"")


Re: Time instead of DateTimePicker

Hi Montenegr0,
Have a look at the attached screenshot.
After you 'tick' the checkbox, you then need to click into each segment of the time (hours, minutes, seconds) and either type the values you want or use the 'up' and 'down' arrows on the right hand side of the datetimepicker field.  If you don't do this, it will always default to the current time.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon montenegr0.jpg 61.58 kb, 280 downloads since 2016-02-15 

Re: Time instead of DateTimePicker

tanks derek is that what i was looking for smile i thought that that was only a checkbox for the actual time lol