Topic: Button action vs Pascal Scripting

I like MVD a great deal and am considering the way forward to maximise software development. I currently use button actions for everything and write small amounts of code on other buttons and on forms opening, that sort of thing. However I think I must be significantly better off learning to take care of these things by writing the code myself and that will give me more flexibility. So there are a couple of questions.
1. Should I be looking at learning the SQL language for record related tasks (add, delete, etc).
2. If I use scripting instead of actions, does the relations set up in creating the data files still apply such as cascade delete and update.
3. Is there a recommended web site that can teach me what I need for learning the scripting mentioned here.
Thanks in advance for any help, David.

Re: Button action vs Pascal Scripting


1. Here you can find some info for beginners about SQL and databases

2. Yes.

3. Script language is Object Pascal (Delphi), so you can read any book about Delphi


Re: Button action vs Pascal Scripting

Thank you Dmitry, enjoy your vacation. I have started going through the material you mention.
Can someone tell me please just how to start. I have a table and just want to have a button to press and it will display a form. I can write Pascal to open a form with the edit boxes for fields displayed. Then I would like a save button. I can't see a Pascal command to write the form data to a new record or to edit an existing one so I am not sure if I am to use Pascal or SQL at that point. Does anybody know if there is a really simple demo application with add, edit, and delete a record, just by using code (no button actions). That would really help me to get started. I'm sure once I get going I will be okay but struggling at the moment.
Thanks for any help offered. David.

Re: Button action vs Pascal Scripting

I would suggest to first learn about SQL language. It is not very complex but you really have to understand it first to avoid a big mess later on.

Re: Button action vs Pascal Scripting

Hello tcoton, yes I have started SQL today. Managed to be able to add a record using

SQLExecute ('INSERT INTO MySQLContacts (Name,Phone) VALUES ('+ frmContact.Edit1.sqlValue +','+ frmContact.Edit2.sqlValue +')');

attached to a new record button. After adding a record, once I click it again the fields are pre-populated with the values from the last entered record so I must need to clear these fields in the code above just before the frmContact.Close;

Thanks for your help, David.