Topic: Getting Access Violation

I can't seem to figure out the problem here...

This happens when I try to save a new record. Although I haven't been able to record a single record due to this error.

" Access violation at address 0091BBDB " 'Dealerhsipservices.exe' Read of Address 0000000.

I'm also getting an additional error stating:
Error Message:
no such column: Vendors.Vendors_ItemOfInterest

Display the SQL query for debuggin?


any suggestions?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Access Violation At Address.jpg 14.78 kb, 277 downloads since 2016-04-21 

Re: Getting Access Violation

Please attach your project and describe steps to repeat this error.


3 (edited by jrga 2018-11-29 00:19:03)

Re: Getting Access Violation

Estou tendo o mesmo problema!!!! O sistema que desenvolvi com o MVD 2.8, que roda bem sem erros no Windows 7, apresenta a mensagem de erro "access violation at address....." na versão 4.6. Dmitry, preciso da sua ajuda

Dmitry, por favor, responda....até pra dizer que não tem solução...

Roberto Alencar

Re: Getting Access Violation


Sometimes i also get the 'access violation' error, i did not have this problem on windows 7 but i do on windows 10.