Topic: Save and Open another form with the same button

After editing and saving record, it is possible with the same button, open another form.

Re: Save and Open another form with the same button

Hello Gilberto,
I'm not sure if you want to call another form after inserting or editing a record or ONLY after editing.
I'd do it this way - first set a flag to show if the action is for a 'new record' or for an 'edit record', then create a 'show form' button and then use a script to create an 'onafterclick' event on the 'save' button on your form to click the 'show form' button.  Optionally, set the 'new record or change record' flag and the 'show form' button to invisible to tidy things up.
If you want to call another form after inserting a record as well (and not just on 'edit') you just need to delete the "if Action......." line from the script
I've attached a simple project to show how.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 336.65 kb, 456 downloads since 2016-05-16 

Re: Save and Open another form with the same button

Ok Derek,  thank you ..