Topic: Group totals in a report

I am working on a demo project for a customer which allows the user to total expenses by type for each employee in the specified date range. The main table has employee name, date, code, and amount. The employee name and code are both dictionary fields. I need for the user to be able to enter a date range to generate a report. This report should show each employee and there expenses for that date range. It needs to give a total for each code for each employee. For example, if an employee has three travel expenses during the specified date range, the report should add the three and show a total for this code. It would be good if each expense could be shown just above the total also.
I am getting so confused and wonder of anyone can help please.
Thanks in advance, David.

Re: Group totals in a report


Please attach your demo project and screenshot, how to should look the report.


Re: Group totals in a report

Hello Dmitry, thank you for the help.
Please find attached the start of the project which is created in version 2.5 and a pdf with an idea of how the report could look. Each expense record has the person name, date, expense code, and date. The names will be first and last name in the final project. I need a report that totals the expenses for each code for each person in a date range specified by the user. Please feel free to suggest a better report layout or anything at all.
Thanks, David

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Re: Group totals in a report

Dmitry, sorry but is it possible to sum all codes for each person too please. Iamge attached. Don't worry if not possible.
Thanks again.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Expense report layout possibly.pdf 203.17 kb, 476 downloads since 2016-06-08 

Re: Group totals in a report


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Re: Group totals in a report

Hello Dmitry,
thank you for your expertise. A couple of small things.
1. Can the money values have a leading $.
2. Can dates be in dd/mm/yyyy format.
3. I saw a previous post where I can make the report so it can't be modified by the end user. I will probably add that. Any problem doing that?
Thanks again.

Re: Group totals in a report

Hello Dmitry,
thank you for the report but when I put start and stop dates in the report window and tick the two calendar check boxes, the report is not filtering out entries outside of the wanted date range. Am I doing something wrong. Also would be good if the dates could be dd/mm/yyyy and a $ sign in front of the money values.
Thanks again for your help. David.

Re: Group totals in a report


Please download project again.

Format of dates depends on regional settings of PC (Control panel > Regional settings)

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Re: Group totals in a report

Hello Dmitry,
thank you again for your expertise. If I add another expense entry, the report will show another entry of the name. I added another expense for Dave and the report now shows another entry of his name. Please see the attached report exported to pdf file. Is it possible to put all entries for a name in one group?
Also is it possible to have a blank line above each expense code so it is easier for the user to separate out each expense category. For example, a blank line above the word "Accommodation" and above "Fuel" and so on.
Thank you again. As I learn more I won't have to trouble you so much.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Report output with multiple same name.pdf 5.39 kb, 475 downloads since 2016-06-09 

Re: Group totals in a report


Fixed, please download again:

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Re: Group totals in a report

Hello Dmitry, thank you for the updated report but when I added another expense for staff member Dave in the expenses, the report placed it as a separate code under the name Dave. Please see the attached PDF. Is it possible for the codes to be grouped together so that for Dave in the report, all accommodation expenses are under one heading.
Thank you for your help, David

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Report output with multiple same codes.pdf 5.43 kb, 451 downloads since 2016-06-14 

Re: Group totals in a report

radsoft wrote:

Hello Dmitry, thank you for the updated report but when I added another expense for staff member Dave in the expenses, the report placed it as a separate code under the name Dave. Please see the attached PDF. Is it possible for the codes to be grouped together so that for Dave in the report, all accommodation expenses are under one heading.
Thank you for your help, David


Post's attachments

Attachment icon 9.47 kb, 489 downloads since 2016-06-14 


Re: Group totals in a report

Dmitry, thank you for your good work. David.