Topic: highlight special rows


is it possible to highlight a row in the grid which has special options?
create a bunch of todos and all todos which are finished should be highlight in grey or scored out. Or as alternativ moved into another db like a archive.

Is this possible?

Thanks for any hint.


Re: highlight special rows

Hello Gieri,
Both approaches are possible;  it just depends how you want to display the information.
A quick and very easy way to do it without having to write any script and without having to set up an archive table, is to use 2 grids, each grid being filtered according to whether the 'todo' has been finished or not.
I have attached a small example for you.
Hope this gives you some ideas.

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Attachment icon 337.14 kb, 374 downloads since 2016-07-14 

Re: highlight special rows


Please check out this example … download=1


Re: highlight special rows

derek wrote:

Hello Gieri,
Both approaches are possible;  it just depends how you want to display the information.
A quick and very easy way to do it without having to write any script and without having to set up an archive table, is to use 2 grids, each grid being filtered according to whether the 'todo' has been finished or not.
I have attached a small example for you.
Hope this gives you some ideas.

Hi derek,

thanks a lot, your sample was very helpful! I just made it  like you advised and it works like a charm ;-)



Re: highlight special rows

Hello Gieri,
When I made the example, I was in a rush and only showed you the quickest and easiest way to do it.
Now that I have a bit more time, I have added another couple of different ways you could do it - they are all in the attached .zip file. 
All 3 different approaches will work as 'basic' MVD (ie no coding).
However, if you want to have color-coding on the rows in the grid, you will need to use a script.
Hope this will give you more ideas.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 340.69 kb, 396 downloads since 2016-07-15 

Re: highlight special rows

Hello derek,

thank you for your great help!

