Topic: How would one go to Link/sync Enbedded MVD with Online "whatever" DB ?

Hello people,

I am interested in knowing about the available features of MVD that can allow me
to safely connect to an online multiusers Database to retreive, update delete records from a "MyHomeMade" application.

Would make available the MHM app to several users in the course of time, each one would log with own Login and Password before beeing able to
deal with shared data.

Does MVD allows to build such a system, and how secure would it prrove against all sorts of attacks, injections, MITM, etc...

Online database Hosting can be defined later so as to use Postgresql, SSL,Crypted Data, etc...
any other type of secured DB, GoogleDrive, or else...

Has anyone built such an App, with MVD already ?

Thanks for your experience,

Rien ne sert de courir, mieux vaut savoir dans quelle direction aller,, smile

Re: How would one go to Link/sync Enbedded MVD with Online "whatever" DB ?


To use application for several users over Internet you can use only MySQL DBMS.
MySQL DBMS is most popular database.
