Topic: different search in one form

Hello Dmitry,

hope you can help me. I have 2 tablegrids in one form and need to search inside the grids. I  copied the fields and the search for the tablegrid 1 and create a second searchbutton which should search inside the tablegrid2. Regrettabbly, only the grid1 takes effect.

Is it possible to search both grids wiht one serach an show each match in there tablegrid?

Another problem is the sorting of the grids. Cause I have a refresh timer of the grid view (each second), the sort is always mixed up. When I set a default sort in the grid for one column and I click on another column to sort for something, the view is also mixed up again.
Best way for me, would be "no sorting" and I do the sort if I need it by clicking on the column head, but as I mentioned, the tablegrid is sorted after 1 second but I don´t know on which critaria. this Problem is also on tablegrid2.

Attached is the Project file.

Hope you could find some solution.


Re: different search in one form


Unfortunately there is no the attached project.


Re: different search in one form

upps... sorry.

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Re: different search in one form

Please check it out:

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Re: different search in one form

Hello Dimtry,

thanks for the sample. The search seems to work. Do you solve this via script. Can I delete the search field and button above the tablegrid2?
Regrettably the sorting is still switching back to something after a few seconds in both grids. :-(

Any chance to fix the sorting by cklicking the column header?


Re: different search in one form

gieri wrote:

Hello Dimtry,

thanks for the sample. The search seems to work. Do you solve this via script. Can I delete the search field and button above the tablegrid2?
Regrettably the sorting is still switching back to something after a few seconds in both grids. :-(

Any chance to fix the sorting by cklicking the column header?


Which exactly the search field you want to delete?

About sorting, there is no way to fix it yet, but I will try to fix in for the next release.


Re: different search in one form

Hello Dmitry,

I just set the visebility to hidden on the mentioned field.. that's what I'm looking for.

Regarding the sorting fix, that would be great cause this is quite annoyingly and when you have a lot entries in the list very difficult to find something.
Please let me know if you have a update on this sorting thing.

Many thanks
and cheers