Topic: TableGrid

Is it possible to use table grid as edit fields? In other words can I use table grid for adding/editing records instead of using edit textbox component?

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: TableGrid

Hi Adam,

What you are looking for is "in grid editing" which is, I believe, something that was introduced in Version 2.0 (and one of the main reasons I upgraded).   New additional grid object properties of 'go input' and 'go inplace editevents' appeared (and many more) but I am not sure how they are meant to work (if, indeed, they do).  It is a pity that tablegrid improvements seem to have been down-graded in recent releases, considering how 'core' to MVD the tablegrid is and how many issues in this forum relate to tablegrid problems.

Ticking 'go input' gives you a row above the grid which can be used to enter new data but doesn't appear to work if you what to edit entries (you still need to use the usual edit text box components and so you've gained nothing).  Further, using 'go input' doesn't give you any validation that you might have set up for your edit text boxes (although I suppose you could script it, but that's not the point).

So, short answer to your question,I believe, is 'no'. 


Re: TableGrid

Hi Derek,

Thanks a lot for taking time to explain MVD table grid status.

I agree 100% about importance of table grid. I'd say "In grid editing" a must in these day and age. There are couple more other important components desperately needed. MVD is such a nice application that it'd be really sad to see not going forward with adding important components.

I'll a make post for Dmitry / Drive Software with some suggestions.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: TableGrid


This feature is planned.
