1 (edited by AD1408 2016-09-29 19:19:32)

Topic: Inserting records....

Hi Dmitry,

I asked something similar before but got no answer.. I'd really appreciate your help to solve my outstanding issue. Specific question is on frmInvoice - in red text.

Please see the attached project.


Perhaps the following illustration may specify the question further


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Inseritng Records B.zip 20.58 kb, 381 downloads since 2016-09-29 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Inserting records....


You should create a foreign key in the table "SalesInv" to "Customers" and then you can choose a customer from ComboBox, also using script you can show all data of customer on form "frmInvoice".

Also I not recommend to use one form for list all records and for create/edit record in the same time.
Here you can find a book, which I writing in the moment about using MVD:

I made some changes in your project.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Inseritng Records B_fixed.zip 21.49 kb, 414 downloads since 2016-09-30 


3 (edited by AD1408 2016-09-30 14:49:49)

Re: Inserting records....

Hi Dmitry,

Thanks a lot for the fix.. appreciated very much.

Also thanks for the advice about not using same form for listing plus creating and editing records. It's taken aboard. It's an attractive option for end users but I can now see it can create various issues on the development side, especially if the developer is a beginner one like myself.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.