1 (edited by kkalgidim 2016-10-04 15:12:04)

Topic: Search result for order table relational person table problem

i got order table and person table

when i create new order, one filed is person who pay order
other field is person which order delivered to.

i want to use same person table to select payer person and delivery person. like a pool of persons

according to my project i can only get id of the person now but i want name of the person. what should i do?

translation for my project:
kimden: payer person
kime: delivery person

order table: siparis
person table: kim

i attached project files, help pls

Post's attachments

Attachment icon saray siparis takip.rar 5.08 kb, 401 downloads since 2016-10-04 

Re: Search result for order table relational person table problem

Hello Kkalgidim,
I hope I have understood your problem.  I have made 2 changes.
1.  In your tablegrid, change siparis.id_kim to kim.isim
2.  Use a calculated field (siparis.cfisim) to get the description of the delivery person and then in the tablegrid, change siparis.id_kim1 to siparis.cfisim.
Maybe this has fixed it for you?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon kk.zip 340.85 kb, 387 downloads since 2016-10-04 

Re: Search result for order table relational person table problem

my version is 1.49.
so your code not opening because my verison is old according to yours.

Re: Search result for order table relational person table problem

Attached are 2 screenshots to show you what you need to change.  The changes will work in 1.49.
Alternatively, you could download the latest trial version of MVD (2.7) open my previous attachment and see how to copy the changes back to 1.49.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon kk screenshots.zip 256.7 kb, 395 downloads since 2016-10-04