1 (edited by AD1408 2016-10-25 00:35:34)

Topic: Database Image

Hi Guys,

I have  two forms test project; form1 and form2 for adding/editing records. Form 2 has a PageControl with multiple tab pages. I have Added dbimage on various tab pages - in total 18. When I try to add images on compiled app, window nudges, takes some seconds to show added image. Sometimes edit window (form2) goes behind the main window (form1)? However, adding second image on same page works fine.

Am I missing something on handling dbimage component?

I'm using MVD 2.7


Edit : 25/10/2016 02:19:19

I have spent most of the day trying to solve db image issue I've described above. I have created sample project - attached,  tried various ways including using linked and stored types but couldn't solve it.

I use image buttons (thanks to Derek) quite often. I wandered if image button script causing it. Turned off script but still no luck. I hope not the image buttons script as I use them often. Both image buttons and dbimages is quite important for the type of projects I'm trying.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon dbImage.zip 33.41 kb, 374 downloads since 2016-10-25 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

2 (edited by mathmathou 2016-10-25 05:11:29)

Re: Database Image

Hello Adam,

I downloaded your project but I must admit I am not sure what exactly it is you want to do.

What I can tell you is that, in your Tablegrid, what you are seeing in the image field is the "code of the image", not it's name.
By code I mean it's content, blobbed (embeded) in the database.

I am not sure you can get the name of the image this way. By script probably...

Could you reformulate the problem you encounter ?



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Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor

Re: Database Image

Hi Mathias,

Thanks for the answer.....

I was trying to highlight undesirable behavior of dbimage component with the sample project I have attached. I like to find out if there are solutions for the following issues of dbimage component. When you add images using sample project  "dbimage" do you experience the following issues?
1. Adding first image takes too long, sometimes second image too. - I'm not using large dimension/file size images.
2. On adding first image app windows nudges (shakes) giving instability feeling
3. Sometimes edit window goes behind main window as seen on the screen cap in my previous post.

I can live with the issue 1 but I really like to find a solution for 2 and 3.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Database Image

I checked project, but can't repeat this bug. Can you try test your project without image buttons.

To show file name in a grid, you should create calculated field


Re: Database Image

Hi Dmitry,

Thanks a lot for checking........

It seems that issue is with my system. I checked it on another computer and it works fine. Now I have to find out what's causing it on my work computer.

I couldn't implement calc field correctly in respect of displaying file name.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.