Topic: Search with no full name

Hi, i would like to make a search button but i want to find my record, giving the initials of the name?
How can i do this please?
Thanks in advnaced

2 (edited by mathmathou 2016-10-25 05:41:17)

Re: Search with no full name

Hello Zizou17 and welcome on the MVD forum,

What you are looking for is quite easy to achieve with MVD.
You need :
- a database (I provide one with 50 names in it)
- a edit field in which you will type the first letter of the name you are looking for
- a search button with the right configuration
- a Tablegrid to display the results.

You'll find all this in the attached example, with no script at all (I hope Derek will appreciate lol).

Pay attention in the object inspector to :
- the way the edit field is linked with the database
- the filter value of the edit field (s%)
- the Increm. Search property of the edit field that links it to the search button
- the action associated with the button (search) : it intercepts the keystroke in the edit field and refresh the Tablegrid automatically
- the way the Tablegrid is configured to display the data

All these components are linked together just with the help of the object inspector.
And the visibility property of the button has been set to false, to show you that you don't have to click on it once you have typed something in the Edit field.

have fun and do not hesitate if you have other questions



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I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor

Re: Search with no full name

Thank you very much,
i will try it and i will reply you if i have any problem!!!

Re: Search with no full name

Hello Zizou, Hello Mathias,
Nice example, Mathias - I'm sure it will help to get things started.  Love the minimalist script (ie none!!) - one day, all projects will be like this - LOL!

Re: Search with no full name

Everything is OK....i did it ....thanks a lot!!!!

Re: Search with no full name

Hello guys,

@zizou : glad you found what you needed smile

@Derek : the day there is no need for script anymore, I'll stop coding smile
By the way, did you see my little guide on how to add icons to the menu in the FAQ ?



I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor