1 (edited by gtacrazy.com 2016-10-26 11:06:35)

Topic: Foreign Key

Is it possible to create foreign key in My Visual DataBase?

Could someone show an example?

Thank u smile

Re: Foreign Key


When you add new field, select item "Relationship", then select table


Re: Foreign Key

Hi, I'm trying to do this...
There is a house with people inside it. How to link the people to house?
Sometimes is need to add more than one person.

House: address, number etc
Person: name, age etc

"ID_Person" linked to "ID_House"

Is it possible to do like you said?

Thank you for your explanation.

Re: Foreign Key

Hello Gtacrazy,
The attached example should show you how you might do this.
Please remember that MVD is very flexible and there will also be other ways to do this.
If there are things that are not clear, just ask the Forum and I'm sure someone will be able to help.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon gtacrazy.zip 338.57 kb, 356 downloads since 2016-10-27 

Re: Foreign Key

Hello DriveSoft and Derek,
Thank you for your help!