Topic: For Derek - Hide Panel

Hi Derek,

I used your hide panel script before and it worked fine but in this occasion I cannot get it working. Clicking on "Add" button just shows the panel briefly but it doesn't stay.

Could you be kind enough to show me what silly mistake I made on this one please?

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Attachment icon Test Hide 6.27 kb, 384 downloads since 2016-10-30 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: For Derek - Hide Panel

Hi Adam,
I think that the 'hide/unhide' is actually working. 
What seems to be happening is that when you click 'add', the panel opens, then a new (blank) record is being saved (you can see it being added to the tablegrid) and then the panel is being hidden again (as instructed in the script).   
What I don't know is what is triggering the 'save'?  Perhaps trying to use the same form to display the tablegrid and the data entry fields PLUS using 'pagecontrol' and 'tabsheets' is causing some issue;  I don't think I've seen anyone else use a combination of one form, pagecontrol and tabsheets before and whilst in theory it should be possible, it's maybe not been tested as thoroughly. 
It might be interesting to see if you have the same problem if you rework your example without using pagecontrols.
I know it's nice to try and do everything on one form but I've found it causes additional problems (blank records, duplicate records, clearing fields, tablegrid refreshes) to the extent that I've reverted to using separate forms for tablegrids and data entry, knowing that the in-built MVD checking is very tight.

Re: For Derek - Hide Panel

I made some changes in your project:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Test Hide 6.69 kb, 416 downloads since 2016-10-31 


Re: For Derek - Hide Panel

Hi Dmitry,

Thank you very much for the fix..........

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.