Topic: How to Organize Script File


It looks as though MVD has a single code page called script that is used to store all code regardless of which form/control it's attached to. How are you organizing this one-page script when you have lots of forms with lots of code for each of the forms? Is it as simple as creating commented "headers" identifying the form and putting all code under the header? I'd appreciate hearing what you do to keep your script file straight.

Many Thanks.

Re: How to Organize Script File

Hello Clyde

MVD is coded as Pacal language (DELPHI RAD XE3 to be accurate).
To trigger a project, the compilator has to compile all instructions in the script (pascal) - file PAS becomes file DCU.

One might consider this type of cutting if it were an XML file.
One solution is to carefully document each procedure.


Re: How to Organize Script File


An example, how to use Uses command.

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Re: How to Organize Script File

Thank you, Dmitry. That makes loads of sense - and provides me a way to help organize the code.