Topic: Error correction help meeded

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to display multiple database fields on same form (read only) It was working before but in the process somewhere, I must have changed / deleted something and now it doesn't work. I cannot track it back.

Form1 / Customers tab / Add --> I add a new customer and save it all OK. However, When I click on newly added customer on tgCustomersSearch tGrid, I get error " Could not convert variant type (UnicodeString) into type (Boolean)" I couldn't see anything in boolean SQL statement.

Could somebody help please. Sample project is attached.

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God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Error correction help meeded


Line 45

Form1.cbSearch_InfoCountry.dbItemID := SQLExecute('SELECT IFNULL(id_Country,-1) FROM Customers WHERE id='+inttostr(form1.tgCustomersSearch.dbitemid));

Re: Error correction help meeded

Hi Dmitry,

Thank you so much for the above and tGridrow text coloring......................

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.