Topic: Task manager

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to do a basic task manager.

I need help with recurring tasks and task alarms.

I used pre-population method for 3 combobox thanks to ehwagner. However, I couldn't get pre-populated combobox saved values displayed on Form1.

Please see the attached sample project:

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Re: Task manager

The combobox on form1 is fixed. I'm not sure what you are looking for on the alarm and repeating part, so I did not touch anything with that.

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Attachment icon Tasks (2).zip 592.49 kb, 399 downloads since 2016-11-07 

3 (edited by AD1408 2016-11-09 14:13:04)

Re: Task manager

Hi ehwagner,

Thanks a lot for combos fix...........

With the recurring and reminder alarms I need the script so that they work. I cannot write those scripts as yet. I hope one day I'll be able to write them.

Added couple of fields on details form after realizing they were missing.

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Re: Task manager

Adam, I think you need to be more specific as to what you want to be done with the recurring and reminder alarms. How is the alarm to function and where in the project is it to take place. Define the criteria in showing alarm notifications and inserting recurring alarms.

Re: Task manager

Hi ehwagner,

I have added below details to project "frmDetails" too as reference.

Tasks without due date and time are recurring. However, user may add due date/time then check "Task is recurring" checkbox, in this situation task becomes a recurring one and app ignores due date/time.
If possible, when "Task is recurring" checkbox not checked "Repeat - Recurring Task" group box could be disabled.

If "Remaind at:" checkbox checked, application shows Message, Play specified sound file or both depending of user checking "Show Message" "Play Sound" check boxes  or both.  "Show Message" default is checked.

Alarms works in same way with normal and recurring tasks. Alarm date and time references to task due date/time for normal tasks and Recurring tasks to it's repeat  values in the  "Repeat - Recurring Task" group box.

Alarm is not active when task status selected as:
Not Started
On Hold

Reminder part is show/play alarm everyday at alarm time once the task due date/time is passed by 1 day. Reminder pop-up message may be displaying "Task is overdue ... days"

I'm not sure if the above is clear and correct... If it doesn't make any sense, you can define recurring tasks and alarms as you see fit. It's fine by me as I'm trying to have recurring tasks and some form of task alarm. Thank you for your kind help.

Please see the updated sample project

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Attachment icon Tasks 17.68 kb, 468 downloads since 2016-11-11 

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Re: Task manager

Adam, I can see where this could get quite involved and not a matter of throwing together a couple of script lines. There are still design questions that still need to be answered. For instance, when you open the app and you have 10 tasks due, should 10 ShowMessages pop up, which could be quite annoying to the user or display a tablegrid with tasks due. As much as I would like to help, regrettably I really do not have the time to build a full blown task management system for you. I can work on it a little at a time, but maybe somebody else on the forum can build it for you quicker. My apologies.

Re: Task manager

Thank you for your reply EHV...

No worries... I'm grateful for your help to date...

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.