Topic: Form1.Button1.Cancel:=False ???

I like to stop the work of  a button when I press it and I use  Form1.Button1.Cancel:=False;  but it doesn't work.
In some cases I llike to work the button and in some cases not. Behind the button is a script
how is it possible ?

Re: Form1.Button1.Cancel:=False ???

Hi pozidis,

Most likely you know about button properties: enable (True/False) and visible (True/False)

If you are after conditional enable/disable then check out Derek's solution and see if it provides any answer for you:

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Form1.Button1.Cancel:=False ???

v_pozidis wrote:

I like to stop the work of  a button when I press it and I use  Form1.Button1.Cancel:=False;  but it doesn't work.
In some cases I llike to work the button and in some cases not. Behind the button is a script
how is it possible ?

Please show me how exactly you use it.

Form1.Button1.Cancel it's not to stop something.

Determines whether the button's OnClick event handler executes when the Escape key is pressed.

If Cancel is true, the button's OnClick event handler executes when the user presses Esc.
