1 (edited by derek 2016-12-25 00:40:14)

Topic: To-Do List / Reminder App - Month Calendar object query

Hello Dmitry,
I have a simple application for appointments, to-do lists etc.
I have 2 questions.
1.  My form is sized so I can see an entire year (january - december).  Is it possible to click on 'next' and see all of the next year.  At the moment, it scrolls one month at a time (please see screenshot1 in the attachment).  Something like a 'yearcalendar' object instead of a 'monthcalendar'.
2.  Is it possible to show on the 'monthcalendar' object when a day has an appointment or 'event' - for example, to circle that date or to show that date in a different colour or shading?
I am using MVD 2.8 / Windows XP (yes, I know!!!).
Thanks and Merry Xmas to you and your family.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon reminders.zip 870 kb, 545 downloads since 2016-12-25 

Re: To-Do List / Reminder App - Month Calendar object query


1. It's not support by component.

2. Please download latest version
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1y0jek64gzfdy … a.zip?dl=0

example, how to bold some days:

procedure MonthCalendar1GetMonthInfo(Sender: TObject; Month: Cardinal; var MonthBoldInfo: Cardinal);
  if Month=1 then Form1.MonthCalendar1.BoldDays([1, 15, 16], MonthBoldInfo) //  for January bold 1, 15, 16 days
  else Form1.MonthCalendar1.BoldDays([3, 4], MonthBoldInfo); // for all other months

    Form1.MonthCalendar1.OnGetMonthInfo := @MonthCalendar1GetMonthInfo;

Re: To-Do List / Reminder App - Month Calendar object query

Good Morning Dmitry,
Thank you for your reply.
I have downloaded 3.11 Beta and the .BoldDays function works well - it will be very useful.
Is the discount for MVD Version 3 still available?

Re: To-Do List / Reminder App - Month Calendar object query

derek wrote:

Good Morning Dmitry,
Thank you for your reply.
I have downloaded 3.11 Beta and the .BoldDays function works well - it will be very useful.
Is the discount for MVD Version 3 still available?


Yes, available.


Re: To-Do List / Reminder App - Month Calendar object query

That's good news.  I shall go ahead and upgrade.
Can you send me the link to the page where MVD Version 3 is available for the discounted price?