Topic: translate tablegrid value

Hi Dimitry, i would like to translate a tablegrid value from english to german.

it is a boolean value. So it shows up as yes or nor in the tablegrid.

So instead of showing yes i would like to translate it into 'Ja' or set a checkmark as where it says no i would like to leave it blank.

Is there an easy way i just probably don't see? Could you provide a script for that ?

Thank you


2 (edited by v_pozidis 2017-03-02 08:02:14)

Re: translate tablegrid value

lupo1st wrote:

Hi Dimitry, i would like to translate a tablegrid value from english to german.

it is a boolean value. So it shows up as yes or nor in the tablegrid.

So instead of showing yes i would like to translate it into 'Ja' or set a checkmark as where it says no i would like to leave it blank.

Is there an easy way i just probably don't see? Could you provide a script for that ?

Thank you


See this
Create a calculated field in the tablegrid and use  the following script
instead  "Ok"   or " Not Ok" use "Ja" or " "

Re: translate tablegrid value

Worked perfectly... Thank you..Sometimes the Solution is so easy

I now have another question : I want to count the Number of Fields where the Result is Yes/Ja and Show them either in the footer or en extra Edit.

I have tried with a calculated field but don't get the right result.

Do you have an idea ??

Thank you

4 (edited by v_pozidis 2017-03-03 12:04:23)

Re: translate tablegrid value

See attached file and the and the sample.

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Re: translate tablegrid value

Hi Lupo1st,
Putting the sum of 'JA' or 'NEIN' into the grid footer is a bit awkward - it will usually show the number of rows displayed in the grid.  For example, you have 5 rows, 3 are 'JA' and 2 are 'NEIN';  the grid footer will normally show 5 or you can filter the 3 'JA' records but then you don't see the 2 'NEIN' rows (which you may want to see).
One way to combine these things that I have used before is to calculate by script the number of 'JA' records, the number of 'NEIN' records and then show the totals as button captions.  You can then also click on the button to filter the records. 
Alternatively, you could just display 3 grids on the same form - a grid with ALL records, a grid with just 'JA' records and a grid with just 'NEIN' records.
Perhaps either of these options may help you?

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Re: translate tablegrid value

Derek, great job...

Worked out the way i wanted it to be...

Thank you