1 (edited by AD1408 2017-04-27 23:07:08)

Topic: For DEREK

Hi Derek,

I was re-checking out one of your sample project about issuing inv refunds. It's nice and neat approach.
I have two issues so far that I couldn't find solutions.

1. You are using tGrid specific focusing, which is nice and I like. However, if specified tGrid is not in view on run of app it returns "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error message. It's more of an info message than a error as far as I can understand.  It happens when specified tGrid in tab pages and compiled when different tab page selected or when a form displayed such as app password form before main form. Is there any solution for it via script or even disabling the error message form?

I think issue item 1 is sorted. I added
Form1.pagecontrol1.ActivePageIndex := 0;
under form1 onShow event.
However, issue item 2 below is still outstanding

2. I wanted to display some customer details on SaleInv form using customer combobox (cb2) but it didn't work. It works fine on SaleInvItem for product combo but same thing didn't on saleInv form?

Please see the attached sample project:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Inv and Refunds.zip 18.22 kb, 360 downloads since 2017-04-27 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.


Hi Adam,
Frmsalesinv edit1 and Frmsalesinv edit2 are currently blank. 
If you associate them with customers.street and customers.zip respectively, I think it should work as you want.


Hi Derek,

I was trying to get customer details displayed automatically on sale inv without choosing from cust combo.

Adding the following line under SaleInv onShow event seems to sort it out

frmSalesInv_cbSalesInvCustomer_OnChange ('');

Thanks for the reply.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.